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News Flash!!  Fun study for 18 month olds now either IN PERSON or ONLINE! Whatever is most convenient for you.
Click Research-->Dr. Panneton above for more information


The i - Language, Environment, Attention, and Parenting (iLEAP) laboratory conducts research on how infants and young children learn to comprehend and produce language. Learning language involves attention and perception across many different areas of interest in their worlds, including interactions with caretakers. We are interested in how infants and toddlers learn about faces and voices, how acquiring language influences how children think, and how, when, and where children's attention is directed in both social and nonsocial situations.  We are also interested in how children learn a second language!


The iLEAP lab is committed to sustaining a comfortable environment that is open to anyone, regardless of race, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic status, or physical/mental ability. We strive to cultivate a judgment-free workspace that maintains a respectful relationship between the researchers and participants. We value open, and honest communication, and encourage any and all questions from those interested in our current and past projects.

Our dedicated research staff is what makes iLEAP possible!

If you would like to be a research assistant in the lab, please email either Dr. Panneton ( or Dr. Diaz (

Our invaluable community members are what make iLEAP possible!  Want to participate? click Contact Us for more info.

Phone: (540) 231-3972

Address: Williams Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24060


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